Eye Care
At Orpington Eyecare Centre, we provide a comprehensive range of Eye Care services.
Eye Examinations
Eye examinations are an important way of monitoring your general health and maintaining your eyes at their optimum focus. At Orpington Eyecare Centre we recommend sight examinations on a 2 yearly basis, exceptions being children, contact lens wearers and people with certain medical conditions who should be seen annually.
After noting any history or eye symptoms you may have, our Optometrists will carry out detailed examinations to determine your prescription and the general health of your eyes and surrounding tissues. Supplementary examinations may be carried out if necessary.
Free NHS sight tests
NHS sight examinations are available to people who fall into the following categories:
- Children under 16 yrs of age
- Students aged 16-18 who are in full time education
- People aged 60 and over
- Personal history of Diabetes or Glaucoma
- People aged 40 and over who have an immediate family member with Glaucoma
- Those receiving Income Support, Jobseekers Allowance and certain categories of Pension Guarantee Credit and Tax Credit
- People advised by an Ophthalmologist that they are at risk of developing Glaucoma
- People who are sight impaired & severely sight impaired
- Those who are entitled to a complex voucher in view of their high prescription
- Those who have applied for and been granted an HC2 exemption certificate
Retinal Scans
Regular eye exams are vital to maintaining your vision and overall health. Orpington Eyecare Centre is pleased to offer retinal scans with our state of the art Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and optomap ® as an important part of our eye exams.
The OCT provides a 3D image of your retina and allows us to detect and monitor many diseases including Glaucoma, Diabetes and Macular Degeneration. We are proud to be the first practice to use the Spectralis Spirit made by Heidelberg Engineering. The Spectralis is a hybrid machine combining OCT with Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (cSLO), allowing us to produce much higher contrast and more accurate scans of your retina. This machine also allows us to compare previous scans and detect even the smallest of changes.
The optomap produces an image that is unique and provides us with a high-resolution 200° image to check the health of your retina. This is much wider than a traditional 45° image. Many eye problems can develop without you knowing – in fact, you may not even notice any change in your sight. Fortunately, diseases or damage such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, and other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can be seen with a thorough exam of the retina.
The inclusion of OCT and optomap as part of a comprehensive eye exam provides:
- A scan to show a healthy eye or detect disease.
- A view of the retina, giving us a more comprehensive view than other methods.
- The opportunity for you to view and discuss the image of your eye with us at the time of your exam.
- A permanent record for your file, which allows us to view your images over time and look for changes.
The scans are fast, easy, and comfortable for anyone.
Schedule your Enhanced Eye Examination today!
Contact Lenses
We can fit and supply a wide variety of contact lenses at competitive prices.
Over three million people in the UK enjoy the numerous benefits contact lenses have to offer. Modern contact lenses are comfortable, convenient and affordable.
At Orpington Eyecare Centre, we will take the time to find the right contact lens for you; one that will suit your lifestyle as well as your eyes and prescription. We can supply any contact lens available on the market.
We regard you as an individual with bespoke requirements. Our experience and knowledge assures you of the best possible contact lens examination, trial and exemplary comfort and fit.
Contact lenses are constantly improving so even if contact lenses have not worked for you in the past, it is worth trying again.
Our range of contact lenses includes daily disposable, extended wear, rigid gas permeable (RGP), Myopia management, overnight vision correction (Ortho K) lenses, and special lens fitting like keratoconus and Scleral lenses.
Our contact lens services are open to children who can benefit from being glasses free or used for myopia management services to slow down the progression of short sightedness, with daily disposable lenses or Ortho Keratology.
Our contact lens Direct debit scheme is suitable for everyone and comes with a whole host of benefits including Free contact lens check ups, Free Enhanced Eye Examination with retinal scans (worth £70), priority appointments, 20% OFF glasses plus lots more.
Contact us to find out more.
Overnight Vision Correction
Orthokeratology (Ortho-k) is an overnight vision correction method using a precision gas permeable contact lens that provides clear vision throughout the day without the need to wear spectacles or contact lenses. At Orpington Eyecare Centre we can fit and supply Ortho-k contact lenses.
How does it work?
Instead of correcting vision with the lens itself, an Ortho-k contact lens is precision manufactured to reshape the cornea slightly to correct for myopia (shortsightedness). The shape of the cornea will eventually return back to it’s normal shape, hence Ortho-k contact lenses have to be worn overnight.
What are the benefits
Using overnight vision correction contact lenses will free you from having to wear spectacles or contact lenses during the day, giving you the freedom to play sports and swim. You eyes will also be less prone to dryness.
Can Ortho-k contact lenses be worn by children?
Yes, in fact, the use of these lenses has been shown to slow the progression of myopia in children.
Click below to download more general information and information about myopia control:
Ortho-k General Information Myopia Control with Ortho-kBlepharitis and Blephex Management
Blepharitis is a very common condition affecting the eyelid edges. It typically results in dry, gritty uncomfortable eyes which can also look red-rimmed. There are a number of reasons why you can develop the condition.
- Microscopic mites called demodex
- An excess of bacteria called staphylococcus on the eyelid skin
- Other atopic conditions like dermatitis
BlephEx, a revolutionary new clinician only treatment for Blepharitis. Its patented technology uses a medical grade micro-sponge to exfoliate your lids and remove scurf and debris along the edge of your eyelids and lashes. At Orpington Eyecare centre we are at the forefront of paving the way with the very latest in long term management and treatment. The ultimate aim is to reduce the discomfort and symptoms associated with the condition but also help to reduce the impact of the condition in the future and stop it getting worse. Contact us or book your Blepharitis consultation.
Bromley Minor Eye Care Service
As an accredited member of the Bromley Minor Eye Care Service (BMECS), we can see you if you experience a medical eye condition.
What is BMECS?
BMECS is a service set up by NHS Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group for all patients registered with a Bromley, Bexley or Lambeth GP, to access an accredited local Optometrist if they experience a medical eye condition.
Medical eye conditions that can be treated by BMECS
- Sudden or recent reduction in vision in one or both eyes
- Red eye(s) or eye lids
- Pain and /or discomfort in the eyes, around the eye area or temples
- Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes (appears like a fly, black specks, or a cobweb moving across your vision)
- Mild trauma, for example a scratch to the outer surface of the eye(s) or lid(s)
- Suspected foreign body in the eye
- Recent onset of double vision
- Significant recent discharge from or watering of the eye
If you are unsure whether your symptoms qualify, please contact us.
How do I access BMECS?
You can contact us or book an appointment by clicking one of the buttons below:
Contact Us Book AppointmentDry Eyes
Dry eye is a multi faceted disease of the ocular surface. At Orpington Eyecare Centre we offer advise and relief for this very common eye condition. On assessing your tear profile, symptoms and findings during the examination, we will develop a tailored management plan to help combat dry eye. Contact us or book your dry eye consultation.
Children's vision
We understand the importance of beginning good eye care practices early, which is why children’s vision is one of our specialities.
We’re all born thinking that the way we see is normal, so without professional insight, it’s difficult to detect any problems.
Children’s eyes have a degree of plasticity up until the age of seven, which means certain potentially permanent issues can actually be resolved if they are caught early enough. Due to the apparent difficulty of children’s eye testing, many opticians won’t carry out eye examinations under the age of four. At Orpington Eyecare Centre we’re different, and encourage parents to bring their children along before they turn four. With over 10 years experience in hospital Paediatrics, there’s nothing we can’t handle.
If your child requires vision correction, we’ll make the process as easy and comfortable as possible. We offer a wide range of stylish and robust spectacles.
Our child vision expertise also extends to contact lenses for kids, and we have extensive experience in fitting younger patients.
Contact us to find out more